Knot - The prophet Daniel became a knot loosener for Nebuchadnezzar.
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Daniel loosens the knots
And we loosen its knots only because we loosen them exclusively with the Bible and in the light of God. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, once called Daniel a knot loosener. Whether we also need such a Daniel today or can we unravel the riddles without the prophet in our days?
How do we solve the knots?
With a knot we do not know from which direction the thread comes and where the thread continues, so also in some stories of the Bible. Does the narrative continue downwards or does the thread run in the opposite direction? In order to loosen a literary knot, we have to touch at some point and give the thread some air, i.e. loosen the section of the thread from the knot a little so that there is a small gap. This also applies to the text parts.

Solder in Sodom
Now follows an excerpt from the script, The Torah of the Messiah, in which the story Lots from Genesis 19 is to serve us as an example of how we can loosen knots.
We detach the word Lot somewhat from the knot - we examine its meaning - and thus give it a tiny distance to the text. And so we do it with another word, the term "to return" - for the strangers returned to Lot. Then we take another part of the thread, described with the word "meal" and pluck it carefully so that we can see the meal better and search in Scripture where the meal is also described. If we remain patient and carefully tear the whole thing apart, then at the end the thread lies in its full length in front of us and we understand the cryptic language of the narrative. In this way we find various hiding places of the Lord.
Sometimes it helps when you cut a knot. You can find out how to cut the texts here.