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Pey and Samech - Two Signs at the End of Many Verses in the Hebrew Bible
Before I explain the two letters, I would like to quote a verse from Daniel 12:
And you Daniel, close the words and seal the book until the time of the end.
Many will search through it, and knowledge will increase. (Daniel 12:4)
Why did I put the verse at the beginning of my explanation of the letters Pey and Samech?
Because verse 4 mentions the Last Days. God wants to say: At the end of the days, that is in the time of the end, many will search the Bible. Searching the Word means "going back and forth. There is even an increase, the Hebrew word שוט -shuht- can also be translated as "pushing forward" in the sense of pushing, thrusting, forcing. We all feel it, whether believers or non-believers, that we live in times in which everything happens with pressure and haste and agitation.
In this pressed time, knowledge will increase. We are therefore nearing the end of the witness of the Church. After the Rapture there will be no church. What then remains lies in ruins. In Revelation 17 and 18 the Christian evil world is symbolized with a whore.
A sensation - Pey and Samech
This is probably the greatest discovery of recent centuries: the discovery of the meaning of the two letters Pey and Samech in the Old Testament. Actually, one could simply name their function and then go on to agenda. Then, I suppose, no one would value the treasures, simply write them down under jokes and forget them immediately. Basically the letters are placed at the end of a section. In former times there were other symbols, which were replaced then later by Pey and Samech. But what sense do the two end markings have?
Correct puzzling makes the parts suitable
The puzzle pieces of the Simson story supplement the texts in the two Gospels and allow further details to be recognized and understood in the text of the story Simson. By puzzling, it became clear why Samson was between Zorha and Eshtaol. Zorha means wasp or wasp plague and Eshtaol means supplication. In Luke the demons are driven out - indicated by Zorha - and in the judge's book the bees are the opposite, because they produce honey in the dead body of the lion. The bees represent the good spirit of God, and that what they do is sweet and sweet. The wasps, on the other hand, are the image of the evil spirit, its actions ugly and its teachings bitter.
The assignment of the pieces of the puzzle to the New Testament and then the recognition of the deeper meaning of the place Zorha shows exemplarily how closely the two parts of the Bible are connected with each other. Here the New Testament interprets the Old Testament. Without the new, the old cannot be understood. And without the old, the new cannot be properly explained. This is also how Paul proceeds when, in his Epistle to the Galatians, he points the covenant with Hagar to the earthly Jerusalem and the covenant with Abraham and Sarah to the heavenly Jerusalem. Paul has hewed in the cornerstones of the interpretation and we can now continue to follow in the footsteps he has laid.
The Places of Heres and Serach
My systematic puzzling is recorded in writing in the script, "The Third Picture".
Through the Bible every now and then, I came across a secret, without being able to even speak a word in Hebrew at that time. In Joshua 24 Joshua is buried in Timnath-Serach and in Judge 2 Joshua is buried in Timnath-Heres. The word Timnath is the same in both passages, only Serah and Heres are different. What a difference there is aroused my curiosity.
Note: We read Hebrew from right to left.
Serach writes in Hebrew like this: סרח
But Heres writes in Hebrew: חרס
The names are mirrored. But even more! Hebrew is read from right to left, that is, if I read Serach in German reading direction the word Heres is called and if I read the Hebrew word Heres in German reading direction it is called Serach.
Acoustic phenomena
Later I discovered that God not only reflects, but uses similar word sounds to draw attention to peculiarities. And this is the case with the words Heres and Perez.
While Heres is a place, Perez stands for a twin. Perez is the firstborn of the Tamar (actually the second). The second (actually he is the first) is called Serach. For a long time I couldn't tell the twins apart, so it's with twins you hardly know. If Serach didn't have the crimson thread around his hand as a sign, it would be almost hopeless to distinguish the twins.
Pey פ and Samech ס
Only a few years later, in the second week of January 2017, a sister noticed that two single letters in the Old Testament appear again and again, especially the Samech and the Pey. And immediately I realized and answered spontaneously: These are Heres and Serach. The sister did not understand yet, but after a short explanation she also understood that this can only refer to the two sons of the promise, Jacob and Esau. Therefore Paul writes: "By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau with regard to future things.
How it came to this
So that you don't forget it immediately, I chat little about the past milestones. It all started, for instance, in January 2013. But actually before that. In our meeting room the heating went out and so I drove outside the city and attended the church service there. The two hours were a preparation for what was to come. During the sermon one had the impression as if the Lord himself was present. It became clear after the meeting that not only I felt this way. One sister stressed that the prayers today had been something very special. The sermon was not mentioned because the speaker was also in the group. But I had heard the original sound.
The heating failure was no coincidence, he arranged for us to meet in another place and there I was prepared. The feeling on that Sunday reminded me of many years before, in the same place. At that time I had taken over the night duty in the old people's home. Every time I read the Bible in the small room in the evening, the room was filled with a strange atmosphere. It was the same atmosphere as that Sunday.
The following Tuesday we sat as usual in the meeting room. The heating was still broken, so we sat in thick coats and jackets. God continued to work. At that time we were looking at the Book of Judges. I especially remember Jephta and Samson and the words of the brothers. The two judges were so badly off in their statements that I protested against the explanations about Jephta and went to a brother. Excited, I said to him, "This is a reference to the Lord." When we arrived at Samson some time later, my cauldron was boiling violently. Angrily I went home. Not angry at the brothers, but at their explanations. I was angry because of judgments and omissions about Samson. I knew that their interpretations were wrong. But what exactly, I didn't know until that hour. And so, that same evening, I started the text, wanted to know: What is told here in judge 14. And so I sat for 3 days, up to 16 hours, on the 20 verses of the 14th chapter.
I have gone through the text once and have put many thoughts on paper or, to be more precise, entered them via the keyboard in my computer. On the third day, it must have been about 16.00 o'clock, that's what happened.
The Vision
I was sitting at my desk. In front of me is my laptop and there are various dictionaries on the right and left, when suddenly the light went on around my computer. The light surrounded the laptop exactly around its outer edges, as if the light came from the laptop. I was puzzled at first. "That can't be technically possible," I thought. And while I was thinking like this, about 10-20 seconds, I saw a transparent arm over the computer, which opened a transparent side with its transparent hand. The vision disappeared. The whole thing may have taken 10, maybe 15 or 30 seconds. One thing immediately became clear to me: I can judge the story with my heart. So I put the already written text aside. I started all over again and went through the chapter word by word and verse by verse. And now a second phenomenon happened: The look falls on the words: father and mother in the second verse. My attention was held on this phrase and then, suddenly, it was clear to me that there is talk here of the Three-One God, who meets us in the Bible in the persons Father, Holy Spirit and Son. At first I couldn't believe it, but after many months of study it was clear to me: That's true!
In verses two and three the Godhead is talking, symbolized by Father, Mother and Samson. I read many passages of the Bible chapter by chapter to be sure. Only by puzzling the individual parts did the picture become complete. The partial sentences simply had to be assigned to the narratives of the New Testament. Only this time the other way around. I take the puzzle pieces of one picture, those are the sentences from Judge 14, and assign them to the appropriate verses of the New Testament. But where? I only found what I was looking for in the Gospel of Luke. I was able to assign the verses or phrases chronologically to the first chapters of the Gospel of Luke. Then came the moment when I could no longer assign any parts to Luke and intuitively switched to the Gospel of John. And? Bingo!
Correct puzzling makes the parts suitable
Samson's puzzle pieces complement the texts in the two gospels and allow further details to be identified and understood in the text of the judge's story. By puzzling, it became clear why Samson was between Zorha and Eshtaol. Zorha means wasp or wasp plague and Eshtaol means supplication. In Luke the demons are driven out - indicated by Zorha - and in the judge's book the bees are the opposite, because they produce honey in the dead body of the lion. The bees represent the good spirit of God, and that what they do is sweet and sweet. The wasps, on the other hand, are the image of the evil spirit, its actions ugly and its teachings bitter.
The assignment of the pieces of the puzzle to the New Testament and then the recognition of the deeper meaning of the place Zorha shows exemplarily how closely the two parts of the Bible are connected with each other. Here the New Testament interprets the Old Testament. Without the new, the old cannot be understood. And without the old, the new cannot be properly explained. This is also how Paul proceeds when, in his Epistle to the Galatians, he points the covenant with Hagar to the earthly Jerusalem and the covenant with Abraham and Sarah to the heavenly Jerusalem. Paul has hewed in the cornerstones of the interpretation and we can now continue to follow in the footsteps he has laid.
The Places of Heres and Serach
My systematic puzzling is recorded in writing in the script, "The third Picture".
Through the Bible every now and then, I came across a secret, without being able to even speak a word in Hebrew at that time. In Joshua 24 Joshua is buried in Timnath-Serach and in Judge 2 Joshua is buried in Timnath-Heres. The word Timnath is the same in both passages, only Serach and Heres are different. What a difference there is aroused my curiosity.
Note: We read Hebrew from right to left.
Serach writes in Hebrew like this: סרח
But Heres writes in Hebrew: חרס
The names are mirrored. But even more! Hebrew is read from right to left, that is, if I read Serach in German reading direction the word Heres is called and if I read the Hebrew word Heres in German reading direction it is called Serach.
Acoustic phenomena
Later I discovered that God not only reflects, but uses similar word sounds to draw attention to peculiarities. And this is the case with the words Heres and Perez.
While Heres is a place, Perez stands for a twin. Perez is the firstborn of the Tamar (actually the second). The second (actually he is the first) is called Serach. For a long time I couldn't tell the twins apart, so it's with twins you hardly know. If Serach didn't have the crimson thread around his hand as a sign, it would be almost hopeless to distinguish the twins.
Pey פ and Samech ס
Only a few years later, in the second week of January 2017, a sister noticed that two single letters in the Old Testament appear again and again, especially the Samech and the Pey. And immediately I realized and answered spontaneously: These are Heres and Serach. The sister did not understand yet, but after a short explanation she also understood that this can only refer to the two sons of the promise, Jacob and Esau. Therefore Paul writes: "By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau with regard to future things.
Thoroughly Thought Through
Isaak has two sons, twin sons. If the son of Sarah, that is Isaac, is a shadow image of the Messiah, then his sons are also shadow images. They are the descendants of the Messiah. Jesus compares himself to the grain of wheat that falls into the earth. And when the grain of wheat dies, it does not remain alone. The seed of the Messiah are the two sons of the Messiah; these are Jacob and Esau. The two are not just brothers, they are twin brothers. If you have never seen the twins, they can confuse you in the many stories of the Bible. Who is who? I asked myself again and again.
The answer is: Serach stands for Christian witness and Peres for Jewish witness. Now the term Christian is not quite correct, because the Jews who convert after the Rapture are also called Christians. This is explained by the letter of the apostle Peter. He is the only apostle who calls the believers Christians. The content of his letter, when we focus on the prophetic dimension, points to the time after the Rapture and then especially to the great tribulation. This is why Peter writes: "But if you suffer as Christians, do not be ashamed, but glorify God in this name, the name Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Heres stands for the Jews after the Rapture and consequently Serach then for the Christian testimony, but then without Christ. Why? Because there will still be millions of people on earth who formally call themselves Christians.
Heres and Zarah are the same as Peres and Zarah, and Jacob and Esau are the same.
The letters Pey and Samech point exactly to these two groups. The first group is represented by Samech, which is Jacob. The second group, Esau, is represented by the letter Pey. The first group includes all Christians until the Rapture. Paul says: the Jews first and also the Greeks. The second group includes all believers from the 12 tribes of Israel after the Rapture. Further details are given in the following passage.
Let us take a look at a passage in the text which indicates to us by means of the markers פ and ס what the two letters refer to in the concrete case. In Ezra 7 we read how the prophet leaves Babel and goes to Jerusalem. As a descendant of the priests, he can prove his lineage in writing except for Aaron. Ezra is a scribe of the law of Moses: this Ezra came up from Babylon; and he was a knowledgeable scribe in the law of Moses, which Yahweh, the God of Israel, had given. And because the hand of the LORD his God was upon him, the king gave him all his desire. פ
At the end of the verse the marker Pey is set. What does Pey refer to in this verse? It only becomes clear through the marker ס in verse 10: For Ezra had his heart set on researching and doing the law of Yahweh, and teaching statutes and law in Israel. ס
Ezra was a priest who knew the law of Moses well, a knowledgeable scribe. Why, then, did he set his heart on researching the Law of Yahweh, when he was a knowledgeable scribe? Well, he is still missing something. Arrived in the land of Israel he studies the law of Yahweh and this is the New Testament of the firstborn, this is marked with the seed at the end of verse 10. The law of Moses is the law of Sinai. The law of Yahweh is the law which Abraham already knew, because it says: Because Abraham obeys my voice and has observed my rules, my commandments, my statutes and my laws. God said this to Isaac the son of Abraham. (See the script: "The Torah of the Messiah".)
In Ezra we find many references to the end times and of course also to the firstborn of Joseph, the son of Ephraim. He stands for the faithful before the Rapture, consisting of Jews and Greeks -those are all other nations.
The second born, Benjamin, depicts the Jews of the Great Tribulation. In contrast to this, Manasseh (West) stands for those who acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, but do not yet believe with their hearts and are only reborn after the Rapture and thus sealed with the Holy Spirit. They are the second born of the Christian testimony and the first born after the flesh to Benjamin.
The Pey in Ruth par excellence
In the Book of Ruth there is only one single marker and that is Pey -פ-
Let's read the text:
And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders spoke: We are witnesses! Make Yahweh the woman that cometh into thy house, as Rachel and as Leah, both of them that built the house of Israel: and be mighty in Ephrath, and establish a name in Bethlehem. And of the seed which the LORD shall give thee of this young woman, make thy house as the house of Perez, whom Tamar gave birth to Judah.
And Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife, and he entered into her; and Yahweh gave her pregnancy, and she bare a son.
And the women said unto Noomi, Blessed be Yahweh, who this day hath not made thee want for a solver. And his name shall be praised in Israel. And he will be for you a refresher of the soul and a provider for your old age! For your daughter-in-law who loves you, she who is better than seven sons.
And Noomi took the child and laid it on her lap, and became its keeper.
And the neighbours gave him the name by speaking: A son was born to Noomi! And they gave him the name Obed. He is the father of Jesse the father of David. פ
And these are the families of Perez: Perez begat Hezron, and Hezron begat Ram, and Ram begat Amminadab, and Amminadab begat Nashon, and Nashon begat Salma, and Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed, Obed begat Isai, and Isai begat David.
The following is the text in Hebrew:
ויאמרו כל העם אשר בשער והזקנים עדים יתן יהוה את האשה הבאה אל ביתך כרחל וכלאה אשר בנו שתיהם את בית ישראל ועשה חיל באפרתה וקרא שם בבית לחם׃ויהי ביתך כבית פרץ אשר ילדה תמר ליהודה מן הזרע אשר יתן יהוה לך מן הנערה הזאת׃ויקח בעז את רות ותהי לו לאשה ויבא אליה ויתן יהוה לה הריון ותלד בן׃ותאמרנה הנשים אל נעמי ברוך יהוה אשר לא השבית לך גאל היום ויקרא שמו בישראל׃והיה לך למשיב נפש ולכלכל את שיבתך כי כלתך אשר אהבתך ילדתו אשר היא טובה לך משבעה בנים׃ותקח נעמי את הילד ותשתהו בחיקה ותהי לו לאמנת׃ותקראנה לו השכנות שם לאמר ילד בן לנעמיות פראנה שמו אובד הוא אבי ישי אבי דוד: פ׃ואלה תולדות פרץ פרץ הוליד את חצרון׃וחצרון הוליד את רם ורם הוליד את עמינדב׃ועמינדב הוליד את נחשון ונחשון הוליד את שלמה׃ושלמון הוליד את בעז ובעז הוליד את עובד׃ועבד הוליד את ישי וישי הוליד את דוד׃
Now we hope that you have not been bored. If not, perhaps we could spur you to expand your daily Bible reading and to study the word of God itself in this way. Because the stylistic elements with which God works are far more than described on this website, you will certainly find others. And if you then remember our domain, share your discoveries with us. And now to the interpretation here.
Our Lord bless You